Self-care: How do you define it, and how might you do more?

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Self-care: How do you define it, and how might you do more?

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In recent years, self-care has become somewhat of a buzz word or even something people poke fun at.

But when you boil it down,  it has different meanings for different people – and depending on what it means for you, it can be pretty important. 

Defining self-care is something we all have to do for ourselves, but in a nutshell, it’s the things we do daily to take care of our bodies, our minds and our emotional well-being. Whether that’s exercise, reading a book, calling a friend or making sure you have quiet time, these strategies can look differently for everyone. 

Nourishing ourselves with good food, moving our bodies, reducing stress, and spending time pursuing our passions – even these basic things can all be self-care activities!

Practicing your version of self-care strategies regularly, if not daily, is critical to a happy, healthy life.

Sadly, many of us struggle to take the time for self-care. We have families, jobs, obligations and more, all of which can make time for ourselves seem really hard to fit in. Guilt is also a powerful emotion: Taking care of yourself when there are others who need you can feel selfish. And starting a routine of self-care can be daunting, because it might seem like it will take so much time and effort. 

The good news is, you can absolutely start small with self-care! 

Self-care strategies for busy people

If you only do one thing in regards to self-care today: Just start somewhere! Maybe you are feeling exhausted or drained. Starting with making tonight’s sleep a priority can help. If you have stress in your life, taking a hard look at what is causing it can help you take a first step towards trying to reduce it, even if that is simply committing to taking a 5-minute break from thinking about it all.

Doing more of some of the “fun” self-care activities might include setting up a daily exercise routine for the next few days (even a walk or some stretches is a great place to start!). Maybe just planning a good meal for later on, or committing to drinking a little more water today is where you might start.

One of the greatest things we can learn is that self-care strategies are a little bit like a snowball. Once you start somewhere, the momentum builds and before you know it, you have a new self-care routine that makes you feel better – with not a lot of effort!

Make yourself a priority in 2021 – who knows where it will lead you in the years to come.

Beacon Physical Therapy

At Beacon Physical Therapy, we hope you find some self-care strategies in 2021 that work for you. If you are having an issue, make an appointment today. We’d love to meet you and get you back to doing what you love.