Four things you need to know about “texting thumb”

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Four things you need to know about “texting thumb”

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We all spend a lot of time on our devices: Tablets, phones, video games. And while that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, anything done in excess can cause pain and dysfunction – otherwise known as “texting thumb.”

Also known as “gamer’s thumb,” this repetitive use injury has been around for a while (remember when we all used Blackberry devices?). If you are having pain in and around your thumb, it could be texting or gamer’s thumb. Here are four things you need to know.

What is texting thumb?

Texting thumb is an overuse injury of the ligaments and tendons in your hand around your thumb. It is formally known as DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis and is common in people who use devices a lot. This repetitive use causes the tendons to become inflamed, which can then cause pain.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms will often start with pain or soreness in the area of the thumb and progress to clicking or catching/sticking in the thumb, which then leads to limited mobility. Swelling and tenderness may also be present, and there may even be pain that radiates up the wrist and forearm.

How is it diagnosed?

If you think you may have texting thumb, a physical therapist can help by taking you through a comprehensive and thorough assessment. We’ll not only assess the area that is causing you pain, but we’ll also assess the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck, as well as posture. All of the nerves that innervate the shoulder, arm, hand and fingers come from the neck, so poor posture can exacerbate issues that may present at the fingers.

Can it be treated?

If you do in fact have texting thumb a physical therapist can definitely help you get some relief. We will often start at the neck and work our way down to the thumb. We may perform soft tissue mobilizations of the surrounding tissues, joint mobilizations, and/or neuromuscular re-education of any area that presents as dysfunctional. We will then educate you on using your device with proper posture and ergonomics to help decrease any pain you may incur.

Generally, the pain and inflammation from texting thumb doesn’t cause permanent damage, but in the meantime you may want to use your phone strictly for the good old fashioned phone call and use your laptop for messaging/texting and emails to give your thumb a break.

Beacon Physical Therapy

At Beacon Physical Therapy, we support our clients in establishing healthy movement patterns that help maintain strength, flexibility and mobility. If you are having an issue, make an appointment today. We’d love to meet you and get you back to doing what you love.